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Meet our Team

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Principal Investigator & Founder

Dionysios (Dennis)

Watson, MD PhD

Physician-scientist dedicated to improving the lives of cancer patients by bringing together the latest biomedical discoveries and personalized clinical care.


Passionate about long hikes in nature, immersive music, exploring different cultures and spending time with family.

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Postdoctoral Fellow

Irem Karaman, MD

Physician-scientist committed to narrowing the gap in translational cancer research, striving to reveal disease mechanisms essential for the design of personalized cancer care.


Enjoys sunsets, traveling, yoga, and catching chill tunes.

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MD/PhD candidate

Jonathan Mitchell

MD/PhD student interested in the intersections of cancer biology, immunology, and neuroscience.


Enjoys skiing, house music, and watching Michigan football in free time.

PhD candidate

Brandon Leon

PhD student studying how glioblastoma cells interact with the brain. 



Medical student

Dan Tran

MD student interested in oncology, surgery, and neuroscience.


Interests: piano, triathlon, reggaeton.

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Visit our partner and neighboring lab's website for additional colleague profiles @

This is a personal website. All opinions expressed in this website are sole responsibility of Dionysios C. Watson, unless otherwise specified or originating from outside source. Views and opinions expressed in this website are not necessarily endorsed by the University of Miami.


 © 2023 by Dionysios C. Watson.

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